مكتبة القسم

- تحتوي المكتبة على عدد من الكتب العلمية وعدد كبير من اطاريح الدكتوراه ورسائل الماجستير المنجزة في القسم كما وتحتوي مكتبة القسم على بجوث أساتذة القسم المنشورة في المؤتمرات العلمية والمجلات العلمية المحكمة.

- البحوث العلمية المنشورة لأعضاء الهيئة التدريسية

- الرسائل والأطاريح

- أسماء الكتب

جدول بأسماء بعض الكتب المتوفرة في مكتبة القسم

# Book Name Auther Name Publisher Year Notes
1 Linux Security Ramon Jhontanon Sybex 2001
2 Programming C# Jesse Liberity O'Reilly 2001
3 ASP.Net E-Commerce With Visual Basic.Net And Visual Studio.Net Cristian Darie & Karli Watson Wrox Programer to Programer 2002
4 My SQL & MSQL Randy Jay Yarger,George Rees&Tim King O'Reilly 1999
5 The Complete Reference Firewalls Keith E.Strassberg & Others Mc Graw Hill 2002
6 منهاج أكاديمية سيسكو للشبكات أساسيات تصميم مواقع الوب الدليل المتمم زينا جايس &الكسندرا هولمز Cisco Press 2004
7 HTML Master Reference Heather Williamson WILLIAMSON IDG BOOKS WORLD WIDE 1999
8 C# Tips & Techniques Charles Wright Mc Graw Hill 2002
9 .Net Framework Essentials Thuan Thai & Hoang Q. Lam 2002 Second Edition
10 PHP String Handling Matt Wad &Others Wrox Programer to Programer 2003
11 ASP Data Bases John Kauffman&Others Wrox Programer to Programer 2002
13 Operating System Concepts Dr.Ziad Al-Qadi مكتبة المجتمع العربي للنشر 2003
14 Introduction To Database Management Dr.Ziad Al-Qadi & Eng.Jameel Al-Azzch مكتبة المجتمع العربي للنشر 2003
15 Selected Chapters From Database Application Development And Design Mechael V. Mannino Mc Graw Hill 2001
16 Teach Your Self Web Publishing With HTML In A Week Laura Lemay Sams Publishing 1995
17 Web Master in A Nutshell : A Desktop Quick Reference Kensherman Stefaen Spainbour & Valerie Quercia O'Reilly 1996
18 Software Portability With I Make Paul Dubois O'Reilly 1996
19 From Download To Debug Greg Lebey O'Reilly 1995
20 Scientific An Introductory Survey Michael T. Heath Mc Graw Hill 1997
21 object Oriented Systems Development :Using The Unified Modeling Language Ali Bahrami Irwin/Mc Graw Hill 1999
22 Hicher National Computing Bruce Helling Sworth &Others Newnes 2002
23 Microsoft Office 2000 Gary B. Shelly &Others Shelly Cashman Series 2000
24 MAC OSX The Complete Reference Jesse Feiler Mc Graw Hill 1997
25 Opening Windows Issues In Communication Amic 1996
26 Human-Computer Interaction Jenny Preec &Others Addison-Wesley 1994
27 Oracle Essentials :Oracle 8 & Oracle 8i Rick Greenwald &Others O'Reilly 1999
28 Oracle Essentials :Oracle 9i, Oracle I &Oracle 8 Rick Greenwald &Others O'Reilly 2000
29 Oracle 8i :Data Warehousing, Plan And Build, A Robust Data Warehousing & Analysis Solution Michael Corey &Others Mc Graw Hill 2001
30 JavaScript For Dummies Emily A.Vander Veer IDG BOOKS WORLDWIDE 1997 2ND Edition
31 Designing & Building Parallel Programs Jan Foster Addison-Wesley 1995
32 The Art Of 3D Computer Animation And Effects Wiley 1999 Third Edition
33 Oracle 8i Advanced PL/SQL Programming Scott Urman Mc Graw Hill 2000
34 PHP Graphics Generating Images On The Fly Allan Kent &Others Wrox Programer to Programe
35 Oracle Design Dave Ensor & Gin Stevenson O'Reilly 1997
36 Perl For System Administration David N. Blankedelman O'Reilly 2000
37 Perl For Web Site Management John Gallender O'Reilly 2002
38 PC Hardware In A Nutshell Robert Bruce &Others O'Reilly 2000
39 My SQL Building User Interface Matthew Stucky New Riders 2001
40 Oracle SQL the Essential Reference David G. Kreines &Others O'Reilly 2000
41 Interactive Graphics Preface Spss 1999
42 Computer Programming Object Oriented Programming With C++ Dr.Ziad Al-Qadi مكتبةالمجتمع العربي للنشر 2003
43 Isteuspen Topical Conference On Fabrication And Metrology In Nanotechnology Him Denmark 2000
44 HTML, XML اسرع واسهل مايكر مورسيون الدار العربيه للعلوم 2003
45 The Intel Microprocessor Steven Hall 2006
46 Digital Design Morris Mano Hall 2002
47 .Net Security Programming Donis Wiley 2000
48 تكنولوجيا المعلومات عبد الرزاق السالمي الاردن 2000
49 Working Microsoft Ron Mc Graw Hill 1996
50 Advanced Coldfasion 4.0 Application Development Ben 1999
51 Computer Systems Architecture Morris Mano Hall 2000
52 Perl Fast & Easy Web development Les Bate Press 2003
53 The Complete PC Up Upgrade Maintenance Guide ASP to ASP Net Migration Mark SYBEX 2001
54 Programming Internet Email David Wood O'Reilly 1999
55 Linux Web Server Tool Kit Nicholas Linux 1998
56 ADO ActiveX Data Objects Jason O'Reilly 2001
57 Advanced PHP For Flash Webster Jason 2002
58 Microsoft ASP.Net Framework Professional Projects Premir 2002
59 Microsoft.Net Framework Professional Projects Angsbmen Premir 2002
60 Microsoft ADO .Net Professional Projects Sanjeev Robilla Premir 2002
61 Oracle Parallel processing Tusabar O'Reilly 2000
62 Oracle Scripts Brian O'Reilly 1998
63 الاستخدام الفعال لتكنولوجيا المعلومات برنامج للتطوير الذاتي يورك برس مكتبة لبنان 2002
64 Numerical Computation In Science And Engineering Pozarikidis Oxford 1998
65 Macro Media Director For Windows Macintosh Persidsky Worx Press 2003
66 ترقية Microsoft Visual Basic الى Microsoft Visual Basic .Net اد روبنسون, مايكل بوند & روبرت ايان اوليفر الدار العربيه للعلوم 2002
67 Building An ASP.Net Intranet Kourosh Ardestiani & Others Worx Press 2002
68 Professional ASP.Net Performance K.Scott Allen & Others Worx Press 2002
69 Beginning Java Script Paul Wilton Worx Press 2003
70 Computer Architecture & Organization John P. Hayes WCB-Mc Graw Hill 1998
71 Microsoft C# Programming Andy Harris Premier Press
72 C# Fast & Easy Web Development Aneesha Bakharia
73 Data And Computer Communication William Stalling Prentice Hall 1997 Fifth Edition
74 Oracle The Computer Reference Electronic Edition George Koch & Kevin Loney Osborne-Mc Graw Hill 1997
75 CGI How-To The Definitive CGI Scripting Problem-Solver Stephen Asbury & Others Waite Group Press 1996
76 The Capability Maturity Model Mark C Palk & Others 1994
77 Data & Computer Communications William Stallings Prentice Hall 2004
78 Finite Mathematics Daniel P.Maki & Others Mc Graw Hill 1996 Forth Edition
79 Windows NT Security Hand Book Tom Sheldon Mc Graw Hill 1997
80 Visual Foxpro Programming Basics Tom Stearns & Leonard Stearns Mc Graw Hill 1996
81 The Complete Hyper Card 2.2 Danny Goodman To Excel 1998 Forth Edition
82 Classical And Object-Oriented Software Engineering Stephen R.Schach Mc Graw Hill 1996 Therd Edition
83 Designer 2000 :Design And Build Data Base Objects Keith Bremer & Others Oracle 1995
84 ADO 2.0 Programmer's Reference David Sussman & Alex Homer Worx 1998
85 Developing web Application With Cold fusion Allaire Corporation Worx 1998
86 CFML Language Reference Allaire Corporation Worx 1998
87 Administering Cold Fusion Carver Allaire Corporation Worx 1998
88 Net working Lab Practice kit gohn Chilillo Willy 2002
89 إدارة المعلومات ترجمة د.خالد العامري -تاليف جون لاغويل و بول جامبل Kogan Page 2003
90 Cases in Electronic Commerce Seconded Sid L.Huff & Others Mc Graw Hill 2002
91 أنت والإنترنت كل ما تحتاجه من الشبكه العالمية خالد العبيدي دار الرشيد للطباعه 2001
92 Introduction To Solid State Physics Charles Kittel Wiley 2005 Eighth Edition
93 MCSE Training Kit Networking Essentials Plus Microsoft Press 2000 Therd Edition
94 Information Technology Project Management Kathy Schwalbe Thomson 2004 Therd Edition
95 Programming In Fortran 90/95 S.Lakshmivarahan & Sudarshan K.Dhall Pearson Custom Publishing 2002
96 Thomas' Calculus George B. Thomas Pearson 2005 Internation Edition
97 Systems Analysis And Design John W. Satzinger & Others Course Technology 2002 Second Edition
98 Graphic Designer Steven Heller & Teresa Fernandes Wiley 2000 Second Edition
99 Design For Communication Conceptual Graphic Design Basics Elezabeth Resnick Wiley 2003
100 Accounting Information Systems 9/e Romney Isteinbart Prentice Hall 2003
101 Building Application And Components with Visual basic.Net Ted Pattison With Dr.Joe Hummel Addison Wesley 2004
103 Agent Source Book :Completed Guide To Desktop, Internet And Internet Agents Alper Caglayan & Colin Harrison Willy 1997
104 Migrating Microsoft Exchange 2000 Stan Reimer Willy 2001
105 Digital Creativity Bruce Wands Willy 2002
106 TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2 Gary R.Wright & W.Richard Stevens Addison Wesley
107 Oracle SQL Interactive Workbook Alex Morrison & Alice Rischert PH PTR 2000
108 Information Technology For Management Efraim Turban & Others John Willy 2002 Therd Edition
109 Information Systems Foundation Leonard M.Jessup & Joseph S.Valacich Que E&T 1999
110 Simulation Modeling And Analysis Avverill M.Law & W.David Kelton McGraw Hill 2000
111 The Architecture Of Computer Hardware And System Software Irvenglander Willy 2000
112 Software Engineering Roger McGraw Hill 2001
113 Introduction To Computer Theory Daniel McGraw Hill 1991
114 Flash MX Action Script Dummies Doug Sahin 2002
115 Advanced Engineering Mathematics Erwin John 1999
116 Local Area Networks Behrouz McGraw Hill 2003
117 الأمن وحرب المعلومات د.ذياب البداينه الشروق 2003
118 Service And Device Discovery Golden Hill 2002
119 computing Concepts java 2 Horstman Willy 2000
120 C, C++ Osboorne Schildt 2000
121 Microsoft SQL Server 2000 DTS Step 2003
122 Applied Operating System Concepts Abraham Jhon 2000
123 Principles Of Information Systems M.Stair Thooomson 2003
125 The Complete Reference William Hill 2002
126 Visual C++.Net 2001
127 C++ Programming For Technology Boyer Delmar 1990
128 Mastering C++ Serhan-Sami Daral 2004
129 Visual C++.Net عزب محمد عزب دار الكتب العالميه للنشر 2003
130 Microsoft Visual C++.Net Step Press 2002
131 Digital And Communication Systems Leon Prentice Hall 2001
132 Visual Basic Dr.Abdul Mutalib Universty Of Teechnology 2004
133 Proceeding Of The Twenty First An Nual Conference Of The Cognitive Sciehe Society Martin Hahn & Scott New jersey 1999
134 AutoCAD 2002 Companion James A. Hill 2002
135 Using Information Technology William Hill 1997
136 Access دوره خاصة فراس فيرو شعاع للنشر 2003
137 تصميم النظم بإستخدام متحكمات نزار محمد خطيب شعاع للنشر 2003
138 MEMS 8 Micro System Design And Manufacture Tai-Ranhus Hill 2002
139 Introducing Communication Theory Lynn H. Turner My Field 2000
140 OutLook 2003 دوره خاصة محمد فهد صباغ نيل كوراني 2003
141 XML Web Services And Server Components MCAD-MCSD Press 2003
142 Discrete Mathematical Structures Kolman Busby Person 2004
143 Numerical Methods Using Matlab John H.Mathews Person 2004
144 Introductory Java David Pasons Contin 2003
145 Developing Online Content Lrene Hammerich Claire 2002
146 Compute Security Jaek Shim GPCO 2000
147 Web Design Laurie-Ann Obsorne 2001
148 Visual Basic .Net XML Web Services Developers Roger Jennigs Hill 2002
149 Mastering XHTML Chelsea Valentine Sybex 1999
150 Programming With Java Alquddin Alomary دار وائل للطباعه 2002
151 The Coldfusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Ben Forta QUE 1998
152 XML Processing With Perl, Python And PHP Martin C.Brawn Sybex 2002
153 Information Storage And Retrieval Robert R. Korfhage Jhon 1997
154 Programming Languages Robert W.Sebesta Wesley 2003
155 Introduction To Computer Science With C++ Henneth A.Lambert West 1997
156 Computer Networking James F. Kurose Wesley 2004
157 PL/SQL In 21 Days Tomluers Publis Hing 1997
158 Guide To Designing And Implementing Local And Wide Area Networks Palmer Sinclair Tomson 2003
159 XML Schemas Lucinda Dykes Sybex 2002
160 Data Structures and Program Design In C++ Robert L. Hall 1999
161 Programming Microsoft ASP.Net Dino Espsito Press 2003
162 تصميم مواقع الوب بإستخدام FrontPage 2002 م.هيثم مرجان شعاع 2002
163 تعلم لغة HTML الديناميكية وليم ج باري وايدك Press 1998
164 High Performance Cluster Computing Rajkumar Bu Hall 1999
165 Computer Architecture And Organization John P. Hill 1999
166 Java How To Program H.D. Deitel C 2003
167 An Introduction To Computer Science Using Java Samuel N. Hill 1998
168 Developing ASP Components Shellex Powers O' REILLY 2001
169 Data Base Design Application Development And Administration Michael V. Mannino Hill 2004
170 Building XML Application s-- Laurent Mc Graw Hill 1999
171 Effective Web Design Ann Navarro C 2000
172 Oracle Distributed Systems Charles O' REILLY 2000
173 Beginning C#, XML Stewart Fraser Worx Press 2002
174 Five Essential Steps In Digital Video ADV Movie Makers Tricks Of The Trade Dehise Ohio QUE 2002
175 Introduction To Computers Peter Nortons Hill 2001
176 Practical Intranet Development John Coiby Glas Haus 2003
177 Microsoft Commerce Solutions Web Technology IT Professional Associates 1999
178 FrontPage 2002 Developers Guide Mike Jennett Hill 2001
179 Designing Active Server Pages Scot Mitcbells O' REILLY 2000
180 MP3 The Definitive Guide Scot Mitcbells O' REILLY 2002
181 Beginning Net Web Services Using C# Goseph Bustos Worx Press 2002
182 Information Architecture For The World Wide Web Rosen Feld Morville O' REILLY 1998
183 Digital Video Fredric Jones Hill 2002
184 Database Management Systems Gerald V. Post Hill 2002
185 Net Frame Work Thuan-Thai O' REILLY 2001
186 Designing SVG Web Graphics Anderw H. Watt New Riders 2002
187 The Complete Reference Instructors Web Design Hill 2001
188 Advanced Flash 5 Action Script In Action Dan Livingston Hall 2001
189 Programming The Web An Introduction Barrieso Sinsk Hill 2004
190 Bluetooth Connect Without Cables Jennifer Bray Hall 2002
191 How use The Internet 2002 Edition Rogers Cadenhed Sams 2002
192 Programming The Web Using XML Ellen Pear Lman Ellen Mullin 200---
193 Foundation Action Script For Macromedia Flash Sham Bhangal Friendsof 2002
194 Special Edition Using XML David Gulbransen QUE 2002
195 Fast track ASP.Net C# Edition Marco Bellinaso Worx Press 2002
196 BSD Sockets Programming M. Timjones River 2004
197 Focus On 30 Models Premer Press Press 2003
198 Programming In C And PC Applications Spratago P. Alan Vikas 2002
199 Mobile Location Services Andrew Jagoe Hall 2003
200 Database Design Application Development And Administration Michael V. Mannino Hill 2004
201 Fundamentals Of Audio And Video Programming For Games Peter Turcan Microsoft 2002
202 Learning WML & WML Script Martin Fr0st O' REILLY 200---
203 Developing XML Solutions Jake Sturm Jake 2000
204 Maya 4.5 John Kundert Sybex 2003
205 Professional .Net Network Programming Andrew Krowczy Press 2002
206 Beginning Direct 3D Game Programming 2001
207 C++ Object Data Bases Programming With The ODMG Standard David Jordan Wesly 1998
208 Oracle 8i Tibs 8 Techniques Oracle Press Hill 2000
209 Microsoft C++ Fast & Easy Web Development Aneesha Bakharia Press 2002
210 ASP To Asp.Net Migration Richard Conway Worx Press 2003
211 Macromedia Flash 5 From Scratch Chery Brumbaagh QUE 2001
212 Designing Web Audio 2001
213 Maya Data Clancy George Press
214 Information Processing Chiri Kostner Hill 1999
215 Designing Web Graphics .37 Lynda Weinman New Riders 1999
216 Mastering Photo Draw 2000 Shane C.Hunt Sybex 2000
217 Building Client/Sever Application Visual Basic .Net Jeff Levinson Press 2003
218 Internet Security: An Firewalls Press
219 The Wireless Web Usability Hand Book Mark Pearrow Charles 2002
220 In- Line-On Line Internet Raymood Green Law Hill 1999
221 Practical XML For The Web Daved Glasshans 2002
222 Professional XSL Hurt Cagle Worx 2001
223 Hack Proofing Your Syhgress Com INC 2001
224 Excel 2002 introduction to computers Brief peter hill
225 Microsoft Excel 2000 peter hill
226 Microsoft Access 2002 Sarah hill
227 Microsoft Excel 2002 Brief Sarah hill
228 Microsoft WINDOWS XP HeNNEth hill
229 Access 2002 introduction to computers Peter hill
230 The Physics of Everyday Pheuomena Thomas hill
231 Suarmihtelligeut James Elsevier
232 The Basics at Aglance Bascenil hill
233 Encyclopedia Britannica Almanc 2004 Brit annica World
234 Violence and Terrorism Thomas Hill
235 Object Oriented and Classical Software Engineering Stephen hill
236 Elementary Statistics A step By step Approach Allan hill
237 Micrroeconomics Principles problems and Polices Campbell hill
238 Classics of Philosophy Louis hill
239 Teachers Schools and Society Myra Darid
240 Psychology Frontiers Applications Michael Roleill
241 uontate Acommunicative Approach Tracy Hill
242 Tahinasides Lisa Hill
243 Microsoft Excel for Accounting katherin hill
244 Microsoft Powerpoint 200 introdueor Timothy hill
245 Adolescenc Caurehce Sixth
246 Human PhysioloGy Eighth hill
247 foeus on Health DALEB Hill
248 Elementary Statistics Johnson TMOMSON
249 microsoft power point 2000 Timothy hill
250 Chemistry Context Applying Chemistry to Society Fourth Graw
251 internatonal Edition Database Systems Date Wesley
252 Applied Linear Statistcal Models John Hill
253 المعاملات الحرارية للمعادن والسبائك د.قحطان خلف الخزرجي دار دجلة
254 Applying Autocad 2004 Terry autodesh
255 introduction to computer Science using Java Jess Glencoe
256 Studies in Model Theory Morley Cornell
257 MATK Users Hand Book Solution het Word het topics Glencoe Hill
258 Intermediate Algebra Miller Julie Hill
259 Technical Graphics Communcation Gary mc Hill
260 College keyboarding & Document Processing Ober Hill
261 The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessor Programming interfacing Software Hardware and Application Watter Hall
262 Beginning Game Graphics Harry Tomason
263 Expert system Principles Programming Joseph Tomason
264 Writing Mobile Code
265 introduction to computer Security Matt Wesley
266 Wireless Communications & Networks William Hall
267 Microsoft Visual Bisic Game Programmig for Teens Homson Press
268 Robot Programming Apractical Guide to Behhavior Based Robotics Josephg jones
269 Parallel Programming in with MPI and Opehmo Michael Hill
270 Exteme Software Engineering Daniel Hill
271 Software Project Mahagement Areal Parson
272 Visual Basic 2005 for Programmiers Secone Deitel Hall
273 software engineering Theory and practice Theory And Practice Joanne Hall
274 C# for Programmers Second Edition Harry PTR
275 Operating System Desigh and implentation Andrew Hall
276 Programming Microsoft ASP_NET 2.0 Dino Hall
277 Computer Organazation & Architecture William Hall
278 Go With Business Communications Allen Hall
279 Java Antroduction to problem Solving & Programming Hall Walter
280 information System Management in Practice Barbara Hall
281 Data Structurs and Algorithms using Visual Basic NET Mickael CAMBRID
282 Pearson international Edition Algorithm Design Corhell Wesley
283 Data Base Concepts David Hall
284 Windows system Programming Third Edition Joknson Welay
285 Parallel Programming Barry Hall
286 Computer Graphics steve Hall
287 System Analysis Design George Hill
288 Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design Valacich Hall
289 DataBase Systems Concepts Henry Hill
290 DataBase Systems Using Or Racle Nilesih Pang Pearson
291 DataMining Pang Wesley
292 Network Systems Design Network Processor Douglas Hall
293 Software Engineering for Real Time Systems Jimcooling Wesley
294 Managing information Systems 2-E Effyoz Thomson
295 introduction Data Communcation and Networking Wayne Hall
296 Beginning C# game Programming Tomson Ron
297 My SQL the definilive to using Programming Paul Library
298 Operating Systems Davis Wesly
299 Distributed Systems Concepts And Design Addison
300 Computer Networking With internet Protocols and Technology William Hall
301 Object Orented Software Engineering Timthy
302 Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++ Marle Wesley
303 Software Engineering Erville
304 Computer Viruses of Dummtes Peter Clsa
305 Algorithmics the Spirit Of Computing David Addison
306 introduction to Parallel Computing Grama Wesly
307 Problems & Solutions Network and Systems Jairath CBS
308 Foundations Algorithms Using Java Jones Sdbury
309 Cabling the Complete Guid to Netwok Wiring David Syby
310 Managing information Technology Martin Pearson
311 Computing today Timothy Hill
312 Microsoft Office Xp v.1 Timoth Hill
313 Advantage Microsoft Office Xp v.1 Glen Hill
314 introduction to Computers Peter Hill
315 مجموعة قوانين الخدمة و الملاك و الانضباط المكتبة القانونية المكتبة القانونية
316 معين الموظف الحقوقي د.عباس ســعيد الاسدي
317 قانون انضباط موظفي الدولة و القطاع الاشتراكي رقم (14) لسنة 1991 نبيل عبد الرحمن المكتبة القانونية
318 قانون التضمين و قانون تحصيل الديون الحكومية صباح المفتي مكتبة العدالة
319 قانون الخدمة الجامعية رقم 33 لسنة 2008 صباح صادق جعفر صباح صادق
320 قانون بيع و اجار اموال الدولة نبيل عبدالرحمن المكتبة القانونية
321 قانون العقوبات نبيل عبدالرحمن المكتبة القانونية
322 قانون اصول المحاكم الجزائية
323 قانون الخدمة المدنية المحامي صباح المفتي شارع مكتبة العدالة
324 Praise for on Writing Aproces Reder Bishop Hill
325 Standard First Aid CPR and AED Council Higher
326 introduction to Computer Science Using Java Jesse Glencoe
327 Students Solutions Manual to accompany Approach Second Edition Donald Higher
328 intermediate Algbra Miller Higher
329 Digital Electronics ToKheim Hill
330 Digital Electronics ToKhema Hill
331 Power Learning Feldman Hill
332 Student Study Gude for use With Beginning and intermediate Algebra James Burr
333 Computing Fundamentals Peter Glenee
334 Students Solutins Manual Intermediate Algebra Mark Aleks
335 Mathematics Applications and Concepis Symmetry Hill
336 College Keyboarding & Document Processing Gregg mgrHill
337 College Keyboarding & Document Processing Ober Hill
338 Artifical intelligence Neeta Price
339 Advanced Programming Visual Baisic.net Julia Irwin
340 Optical Fiber Communications Gerd Hill
341 Natural Language Understanding Jams Pearson
342 Mobile Location Services Jagoe PTR
343 Statistics for Engineers and scientists William TATA
344 introduction to Cryptography With Coding Theory Wade Pearson
345 introduction to Graph Theory Douglas Pearson
346 Computer Graphics Pearson Hill
347 Office 2000 Beginng Hinkie Mcgraw
348 Word 2000 Aprofessional Short Deborah
349 Microsoft Word 2003 Manual for Gollege keyboarding & Document Processing Ober Hill
350 Office XP Core Deborah
351 Office 2000 Matchinson Hill
352 College Decument Processing Hanson Graw
353 Ms Word 97 Manual Lessons Scot Glencos
354 Microsoft Word 2003 Manual Ober Hill
355 Microsoft office 2000 Timothy Lrwin
356 Management information Systems Stephen Mave
357 MS Word 97 Manual Ober Hill
358 Launching the imagination Mary Hill
359 Students Solution Manual John Rosemary
360 Students Solution Manual George Higher
361 Autocad 2002 Fundmentals Terry Hill
362 College Keyboarding Document Ober kit
363 College Keyboarding Ober Hill
364 College Keyboarding & Document Processing Ober Hill
365 intermediate Algebra Miller Student
366 Student Solutions Manual Richard Martin
367 Fundamentals Of Atomic & Molecular Spectros Copy Ramphal Himalaya
368 Digital Electronics Shir Satup
369 Engineering Drawing and Vomputer Graphics Layal Satup
370 Digital Hardware & Design Shamim Hill
371 CATE Computer Science & Engineering Jaiswal Galgoti^
372 The Waite Grops C++ Primer Plus Stephn Galgoti^
373 Operating Systems Technical Prince
374 integrated Circuts Botkar Khanna
375 Digital Circuts and Systems-11 Shir Satpa
376 Visi Fabrication Principles Silicon Second Wilex
377 Electronics And Communication Simplified Khanna Anil
378 Microprocessor Microcontroller& Application Godse Deepali
379 information Security Baged Technica
380 Electronic Circuits and Applications Godes Price
381 Elements of Electronics Engineering Godes Price
382 Question And Answers on Electronics Bandyopa holkata
383 Bit Microprocessor Microcontroller C.Ypatil Sau
384 inside Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 Prentice Hans
385 Design and implementation Of Compiler Ravendra Manish
386 خطوة-خطوة Microsoft Visual C# 2005 جون شارب Microsoft
387 Adobe al Streator Cs2 الدار العربية الدار العربية للعلوم
388 computer Peripherals and interfaces Amituamra Price
389 Basic Electronics Engineering Datta NCB^
390 PC Software Made Simple for Windows Sjaiswl Galgotia
391 Computer Network Satupa Kavita
392 Basisb Administration for SAP Robert Galgotia
393 Web Technology Pradnya Prince
394 Beginning Algebra Baratto Donald Donald
395 Precalculus John Mathzon
396 Beginning Algebra Baratto Mathzone
397 نظام الحكم و الادارة في صدر الاسلام محمد علي الناصري مطبوعات
398 التطبيقلت البلاغية في تفسير ابو السعود العمادي جعفر صادق حمودي مطبوعات
399 الاقليات المسلمة في الغرب صلاح عبد الرزاق مطبوعات
400 مشاريع ازالة التميز الطائفي صلاح عبد الرزاق مطبوعات
401 معجم الشعراء العراقيين جعفر الصادق حمودي مطبوعات
402 اعتناق الاسلام في الغرب د.صلاح عبد الرزاق مطبوعات
403 الاسلام في اوربا د.صلاح عبد الرزاق مطبوعات
404 Oobject Oriented Application Development Using Java Reed Course
405 An introduction to Object Oriented Programming With Java Tmomaswa Hill
406 Java Network Programming Distributed Computing David Wesley
407 Java,Java.Java1 Object Oriented Problem Solving Ralph Hall
408 Computational Mathmatics George Moscom
409 The Object Of Java Wesley
410 منظمة الاغاثة Martin Hill
411 IP Location Martin Hill
412 Ethernet in the First Mole Beck McGraw
413 Computer or Ganization and Design David Morgan
414 Jave program I.S Design Progcessing James Hill
415 Ethernet Passive Optical WetWoks Glen Mcgraw
416 Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Aian Hill
417 Microsoft Visual Basic For Application ALAN Hill
418 Computer Accounting With Microsoft Office Accounting Carol Hill
419 introduction to System Analysis Design Whitten Hill
420 Your Other teacher.Com Dynamics Jouns Hill
421 Spreadsheet Tools for Engineers Using Excel Byron Hill
422 CD Havnessing the Power Mathematic
423 Data Structures حسن حمدان عوض المنصور
424 Java Late Objects Version How to Program Late Objects version Harrey Peason
425 Crafting a Compiler Pearson Clobat
426 System Programming With C and Unix Hoover Person
427 Foundation Maths Davison Hall
428 Networking Concepts and Technology Deepak Sun
429 An introduction to data Communcation Prof NCBA
430 The Complete A+ Guid to PC Repair Chery Person
431 Programming in Visual Basic 2010 julia Hill
432 Nearal Networks and Learning Machines Pearson Simon
433 Software Project ManaGement Bob Hill
434 Java for Students Bell Parr
435 Database Systems Ramez Pearson
436 Data Structures & Problem Solving Using Java Marh Person
437 Understanding Movies Louis Allyn
438 Project incomputing Dawson Addison
439 Digital Imag Processing apractical introduction Nick Adidison
440 Operation Research Hamdy Person
441 Search Engines Croft Pearson
442 Probability and Statistics for Engineers John Person
443 System Engineering and Analysis Blanchard Perarson
444 Visual Basic 2008 for Students Addison Weslex
445 Fluency With information technology Lawrence Person
446 System Analysis and Design kenneth Pearson
447 designing the user interface Ben Pearson
448 Programming the World Wide Web Sebesta Pearson
449 Software engineering Smmer Ville Pearson
450 real time Systems and Programming Alan Addison
451 Basic information Systems analysis Design Myrvin Hill
452 Absolute Java Staevitch Pearson
453 Discrete Event System Simulation Jerry Pearson
