Assist Prof. Dr. Hala B. Abd Alwahab

Head of Computer Sciences Department


Prof. Dr. Amin D. Thamir

Chancellor of The University


Prof. Dr. Sattar B. Sadkhan



دليل جلسات المؤتمر

The Scope of Conference
  • Cognitive Computing and Networking
  • Multimedia Computing and Communications
  • Social Computing and Semantic Data Mining
  • Green Computing, Communications and Networking
  • Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications
  • Internet Services and Applications
  • Information Technology
  • Satellite Communication
  • Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
  • Image Processing and its Applications
  • Software Defined Networks (SDN)
  • Biometric Technology
  • Computer Networking
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Soft Computing Techniques
  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics and their Applications
  • Information security
  • Information Hiding
  • Digital watermarking
  • Cyber Security
  • Blind Source Application
  • Cloud Computing and its Application
  • Internet of Thing
  • Data Mining and Data Engineering
  • Robotics and their Applications

Online Submission

The submission of the paper should submit via EDAS, but the author needs to have an account. If you don't have an EDAS account, we can create an EDAS account and submit the papers conveniently by sending an email to [email protected] including the following information:

  1. Contact Author
  2. Contact Email
  3. Institutions/companies
  4. Contact Address.
  5. Attach the manuscript file in pdf format.
About 2nd SCCS 2019

Welcome to the Second Scientific Conference of Computer Sciences (SCCS 2019). The conference is technically sponsored by IEEE which is represented by IEEE Iraq Section and organized by University of Technology.

The Conference is the premier forum for presenting the new results of advanced topics in Computer Software, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligent, Computer Security, Network Management and Multimedia, and their applications. The aim of the conference is to bring together leading academic, scholars and students, in order to discuss theoretical and practical issues through sharing their experiences and research results. Its focus is to create and distribute knowledge about the use of scientific applications.

Topics of Interest

Computer Software

Information System

Artificial Intelligent

Computer Security

Network Managements


Accepted Papers

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceeding book (only abstracts). Moreover, the accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore digital library (indexed by Scopus) for publication.

Call of Paper

We'd like to invite you to submit your papers for the Second Scientific Conference of Computer Sciences (SCCS 2019) to be held from 27- 28 March in Baghdad, Iraq. SCCS 2019 attracts researchers, scientists and technologists from universities, research firms and government agencies from around the world. All submitted papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review and critical evaluation by conference committees. Acceptance decisions will take into account paper novelty, technical depth, and relevance to IEEE scope. All accepted papers will be submitted to the IEEE conference operation department for final decision to be included in IEEE Xplore digital library for publication and indexing. The conference program will include paper presentations, and poster sessions, along with prominent keynote speakers and workshops.

Paper Format

The template and the formatting instructions of IEEE can be downloaded (MS Template) Note: The manuscript file must be named with the paper title, "Paper title.doc".

Submission Guide

The submitted paper to the conference must not be previously published, and not considered elsewhere for publication. The submission is electronic and in a PDF format only will be considered. The paper should be designed based on the IEEE format with no more than 6 pages.

Important Dates
Paper Submission deadline
15 October-15 December 2018
Notification of Decision
15 January. 2019
Camera-ready deadline
1 February. 2019

SCCS Brochure


International Palestine Hotel

Address: Al-Sa'doon Street, Baghdad

+964-772 729 5715

For any inquiries about the SCCS 2019, contact us through the following:

University of Technology / Computer Sciences Department.       Email: [email protected]  Mobile: +964 7715440968

Chair of IEEE COMSOC IRAQ CHAPTER.                  E-mail: [email protected]       Mobile: +964-7707119529